8 Causes And How To Fix Your Connection Is Not Private In Crome

Hey buddy Blues Pedia, this time I will share the experience of someone who is experiencing this problem, the browser does not buses go on the web and will display it on 21 May, one of the members in the Facebook group computer technician experienced this "Your Connection Is Not private ", having deliberated for two hours, finally the problem was successfully completed, and the results of these discussions I get some way to overcome this is based on the experience of all the members, and the following things that ever done to overcome this and proved successful, the following Discussion:

1. Restart Windows
This method is the easiest way to do, based on the experiences of members who commented, believe it or not it worked to resolve this issue.

2. Time in Computer Does Not Match Reality
This is a cause that often occur, where time on the computer does not correspond to reality, I never tried to advance 10 days from the actual date, after I changed the time, and I shut google crome and silence for a few minutes.
After that I re-open a google crome and access the web, the result was the same crome gives the message "Your Connection Is Not Private".
The solution:
Check the time on your computer, and make sure the time is in accordance with reality, to change the time on the computer there are two ways, namely:
a. Windows system
I click the description of time, usually in the lower right corner, then select Change Time and Date Settings, in the Date and Time tab click the Change Date And Time and change the date. Once you turn it wait a few minutes or if necessary, restart your computer.

b. system Bios
To get into the system bios restart your computer and press Del / Delete Arm time when the first computer on, after getting into the system bios, locate the standard or Advanced wherein generally for setting the time in the menu, if already changed, save and exit and restart your computer.

Changes to the system time can be caused by improper shutdown process, such as shutting down the computer by pressing the power button or direct (For Computer) you often have electrical on / off, use a UPS solution.

3. Use a VPN
VPN is a feature that serves to disguise the original IP with the IP of other countries, it can happen if the original IP you used prohibited / dangerous / having problems with the website that you visit, so try using a VPN, to the way you can see here: How to Add Extension VPN (Browsec) in Google Crome.
Additionally, VPN serves to open the blocked sites and speed up your internet connection.

4. Use System Restore
Without you knowing it, in certain circumstances the windows system will back up the configuration of the system, its function is to restore / restore system configuration to the state of windows backed up the data. For how to restore Windows system, you can read the discussion here and added with a discussion about the Back Up Data windows:
Back Up and Restore System Windows

in addition to the four above, there are 4 things also could be the cause and how to cope with the emergence Your message Connection Is No Private google crome version, you can see the original message here https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/6098869?hl=en&ref_topic=3097245
and here's my rewrite based on my understanding:

5. Go To Portals
Honestly for this first cause me less familiar, I can catch is probably your internet provider is experiencing problems, both in the second (such as Office) or any third party (provider / ISP).
The solution:
There google explained first try to disconnect internet, let stand a few minutes, then connectkan back, in the mean "Go To Portal" is when it will already menconnectkan the Internet, then open google and visit a site that has a version of http: //, it will be appears a login page that is used to get an internet connection, such as if wifi / network you are using Mikrotik.
When you disconnect and connect the network, then automatically your network data will be reset and updated following the server. This you can do if you are using a modem.

6. Extension Troubled Crome
Extension is an application that can only be used for the browser that we can add themselves, an example of the use of the extension are Internet Download Manager (IDM), if the extension IDM is mounted on crome, then every aired a video like youtube, IDM will displays links used to download videos that are being watched.
But sometimes there are some extension disrespectful, because unbeknownst to the user, this extension installs itself and perform its functions. Extension is what can make your computer experience this.
The solution:
For how to find, use incognito mode, which in this mode google crome will not use extension whatsoever, how to right click the icon crome and select "New Incognito Window" or press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + N in google crome, if it tried to open a web that was not open.
If you can be open then there is a problem with the extension your browser, try to check the extension in the browser, how to press Ctrl + H, then take a look at the menu on the left, where there are several menus, and one of them / click Extesnsions, check whether there extension suspicious, if there is remove the extension.

7. Anti Virus Protection Systems
Besides protecting the user from Offline activity, nearly all anti-virus provides features to protect users from online activities, because the risk of getting the virus is greater when using the internet when compared with offline activities.
The solution:
If indeed you wanted to open web, and to prove the anti-virus as a cause or not, try turning off your anti-virus for a while and then try to open web. If the web successfully open means anti virus that causes it, but do not blame the anti virus completely, because it was done to keep you from viruses or thre*ts circulating on the Internet. Do the things you want to do on the web quickly, if it is re-enable your anti-virus.

8. Windows Operating System Not Update
Windows that do not update to make this happen, because from month to month all applications / software definitely changed for example google crome, if the windows that you are using does not follow the development of applications in use, then do not be fooled into when using an application will experience it this.
The solution:
If your computer system is less updates, then the operating system update

Do this only as a last resort, before you want to try this, make sure all the way from 1 to 7 has been done correctly, because the update process requires a lot of time, even a day

That causes and how to resolve the message "Your Connection Is Not Private" based on the discussion member on FB, and from google crome itself, Thanks

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