This He 4 Ways Login Winbox Mikrotik addition, Complete With Log Data Mikrotik defaults
4 Ways to login using a mikrotik other than winbox, using SSH / Putty, Telnet and Browser / Google Crome, not only is it in a discussion of the data added to the default mikrotik
For those of you who first install the mikrotik, surely you are having problems on how to login to the mikrotik, usually on an operating system to have the login data default, such as Wifi, as well as the mikrotik may have data logged by default, from the User, password and IP used mikrotik. User and password used to login to the mikrotik, while the IP is used as a medium of communication, if we want to access the mikrotik with the computer, for example, Mikrotik Routerboard is accessed through the computer. If you log in using Winbox, the use of IP is not necessary, because winbox automatically detect the presence of Mikrotik if your computer is connected to the mikrotik, IP in use if we login mikrotik apart with winbox, such as web browsers, Putty, and telnet in windows.
All the things that we will discuss here, ranging from default login data mikrotik to the discussion on how to login mikrotik 4, and the first will be discussed are:
Default Mikrotik
Default mikrotik here means setting / original configuration of mikrotik such as username, password, IP, to configuration, this default mikrotik we get if we install either the first time or re-install and reset the mikrotik, the following is the default mikrotik:
For User defaults: admin
whereas for Password: blank (no password)
and the default IP mikrotik: in ethr 1
Login Mikrotik
To log in to mikrotik there are many ways to enter systemnya, such as using:
1. SSH
SSH is an application that serves to configure / meremote a server, for those of you who use Windows as the operating system, you must use Putty to enable it, but if the operating system Linux, we do not need to use Putty.
To use it, enter the IP address of the mikrotik in the column Host Name (or IP Address), here I write, write port 22 on the column, and select SSH in the connection type, then click "Open"
If no notification select "yes" only, then it will appear after the login menu, enter your username and password or Default Mikrotik, then enter
This is the view mikrotik Putty
2. Telnet
We can remotely using telnet mikrotik via the application program "Command Prompt" (cmd) default Windows. However, telnet is not recommended for server configuration because of safety issues.
To use it, you first have to open / run CMD beforehand, I click Start (Windows logo) and enter cmd and hit enter, if it is then the page will appear as shown below.
In the column write the script cd \, (goal is to move from Folder directory administrator to Drive C :), and then the next script that telnet (IP Mikrotik) and enter
if successful user login menu will appear. the contents of your user and password or Default Mikrotik, use the enter key to execute script
This is a view Mikrotik via Telnet
3. Web Browser
As we know the browser is a software that is used as a search engine, but in this tutorial used as a browser for remote application server, a condition that can Mikrotik in the remote browser is mikrotik must already have an IP, or you can use the default IP.
to use it to run the browser (here I use google crome) and typing the IP address Mikrotik, and press enter. then you will go to see the mikrotik login, fill in your username and password or Default Mikrotik, and press login
Views Mikrotik via Browser
4. Winbox
Winbox a special remote application server mikrotik, which change the look of black and white / CLI mode into GUI mode / color, user friendly (easy to use) in comparison with other routers that are still using the console mode.
This is the initial view of winbox consisting of multiple columns and navigation to run it.
Information :
1. .....: display a list of routers that connect to a computer mikrotik
- Mac Address = Mac Address mikrotik
- IP Address = IP address Mikrotik
- Identify Hostname = Name Mikrotik
- Verrsion = Mikrotik version used
2. Connect to: The IP address of the computer that will be in the remote
3. User: username that will be used to login mikrotik
4. Password: Password user
5. Note: Additional information, eg name of the mikrotik host name
6. Save: to save the address, username and password mikrotik, so we do not need to type back when every time you log
7. Tool
- Remove All address: to delete all addresses, user, password, which is on the list of addresses
- Clear Cache: function to delete the cache stored
- Export Address: to backup log data mikrotik
- Import Address: To import the logged data from the backup data, and present it in the address list
to how it's used just typing the IP address of the mikrotik, or click any point to 1 (....), it will automatically pop up a list mikrotik connected to a computer that is in use, click one (refer back to points 1), if already fill out the form with the user mikrotik login and password fields mikrotik, if it is click Connect
but if the mikrotik does not have the IP (like new install), click cion ..... then select column Mac Address, and the contents of user and password Default Mikrotik.
If you are confused or want more details, please see the video here, about 4 Ways login mikrotik, do not forget to Subscribe for updates ya: D
That discussion this time about 4 Ways Login Mikrotik besides using winbox, and is equipped with the login data mikrotik, based on ease of use and login mikrotik, I suggest using only winbox, because tampilanya more colorful and interesting, in terms of its configuration else we just click and click, without having to memorize the script.
So this discussion may be useful.