Guest Blog: Nexstar-Media General Merger No Threat to Public Interest
Complexity of video landscape, management’s commitment to localism offer reassurance
If events go as expected, the FCC will approve the merger of Nexstar and Media General
in a deal worth nearly $5 billion. The acquisition and absorption of
Media General into Nexstar would result in the broadcasting industry’s
largest local broadcast group, with 171 stations in 100 markets,
reaching 39% of television households in the United States. The new
Nexstar Media Group would have a market capitalization of over $6
While the combined company will usher in some significant changes in
broadcasting, there are several reasons why the deal should not be
viewed as a threat to the public good. The evolution of the video
marketplace and founder, chairman and CEO Perry Sook’s stewardship of
Nexstar over its 20-year run mean the merger is fundamentally good news
for viewers and the industry alike.
Nexstar Media will emerge as one of the nation’s top providers of
local news, entertainment, sports, lifestyle and network programming
through its broadcast and digital platforms. The company also stands to
bolster its already strong presence in the local advertising market,
providing attractive scale and synergies for both large and small
advertisers looking to capture eyeballs and wallets.
Through acquisition, accretion and organic growth, Nexstar’s rise has
been something of a textbook study on tight management, lean operations
and delivering consistent return to shareholders. Nexstar’s stock
regularly shows up on Wall Street buy lists, and its value has grown by
617% over the last five years, far exceeding the 63% performance of the
Standard & Poor 500 index.
Retrans and JSAs
While the growth has been admirable, Sook has achieved it with a
“stand your ground” stance on retransmission consent fees. While fellow
broadcasters have cheered, the posture has generated angst among MVPDs
and more than a few blackouts.
Critics of Nexstar, Sinclair Broadcasting and other television groups
often point to the blackouts as rationale for FCC intervention. “Good
faith” and “totality of the circumstances” are principles of negotiation
that critics aver have been elusive in Nexstar contracts, and there
have been regular calls for the FCC to step in to resolve retransmission
agreements. Supported by the NAB, Nexstar eschews regulatory
intervention into what it rightfully calls a private contract.
Nexstar’s adept use of joint sales agreements (JSAs) also has been
controversial and prompted an action by the FCC to phase out JSAs by
this year. In a stroke of legislative prescience, however, Congress
voted to overturn the FCC’s action in its last-minute budget bill of
2015. Nexstar, Sinclair and Howard Stirk Holdings (led by Armstrong
Williams) also challenged the FCC’s ownership rules in the Court of
Appeals for the 3rd Circuit. The court’s May 25 decision
required the FCC to act on its long-overdue quadrennial media ownership
rules before it could act on JSAs (which fall under the ownership
Following this series of events, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has
navigated back to a position wherein JSAs can again be disallowed, this
time in the context of the Nexstar-Media General merger. Nexstar is
seeking a waiver in order to continue operating JSAs. If fairness rules
the day, the FCC should grant such a waiver request.
Spawning New Minority Broadcasters
Nexstar’s legacy of growth would not be complete without
acknowledging the role it has played in the creation and development of
two of the leading African-American broadcasters in the country. When
Nexstar was required to divest stations as part of its 2014 multifaceted
acquisition of Gray stations, it chose to sell to an
African-American-owned media company led by West Coast publisher Pluria
Marshall, Jr. Nexstar’s sale and ongoing support of three full-power
television stations in Iowa, Louisiana and Texas has allowed Marshall
entrée into the ranks of broadcast ownership.
Following its decision to divest several television stations as part
of the Media General merger, Nexstar has once again chosen to empower
minority ownership. DuJuan McCoy, a Texas broadcaster and entrepreneur,
has purchased two additional stations in Louisiana from Nexstar. At
this point, Nexstar—and principally Perry Sook—can take credit for
helping to launch five black-owned television stations in the span of
two years. While some of the consumer groups have opposed the
Nexstar-Media General merger on public interest grounds, none can
question the company’s commitment to support minority ownership, a goal
that has eluded successive FCC chairmen.
The Public Interest
A series of mega-mergers worth in the tens of billions
(AT&T-DirecTV, Charter-Time Warner Cable, Altice-Cablevision) have
come to pass during the Wheeler era. They continue the spate of
consolidation in the pay television market and have contributed to
formidable scale in the delivery of content and broadband to consumers.
By contrast, up to now, the largest broadcast television merger in
recent years was the $985 million Sinclair-Albritton deal in 2015. While
Nexstar’s acquisition of Media General is valued at $4.8 billion, this
number is far short of even the smallest recent cable merger (Altice at
$17 billion), which begs the question: Why are some groups still
Under the broadest possible reading of the public interest, opponents
of the Nexstar deal have urged the FCC to deny the merger or to impose
numerous conditions which would frustrate the purpose of the transaction
itself. According to the FCC’s own Office of General Counsel, Congress
has directed the Commission to review transactions involving licenses
and authorizations under the Communications Act and to determine whether
the proposed transaction would serve “the public interest, convenience,
and necessity.” The FCC’s guidance further states:
“The public interest standard is not limited to purely economic
outcomes. It necessarily encompasses the ‘broad aims of the
Communications Act,’ which include, among other things, a deeply rooted
preference for preserving and enhancing competition in relevant markets,
accelerating private-sector deployment of advanced services, ensuring a
diversity of information sources and services to the public, and
generally managing spectrum in the public interest. Our public interest
analysis may also entail assessing whether the transaction will affect
the quality of communications services or will result in the provision
of new or additional services to consumers. The leading examples may
come from broadcast transactions, where the Commission has long applied
the congressional admonition to promote localism in programming, and
especially news programming, available to communities.”
Under this standard, Nexstar’s dogmatic devotion to “localism” alone
should be sufficient to pass the public interest test. When you add the
company’s almost myopic focus on local news, and its insistence on local
broadcast executives serving as de facto “mayors of their community,”
there should be no question of Nexstar’s service in the public interest
Competition in the Video Marketplace
there is another, more ominous, component to this merger that seems to
get overlooked when one focuses solely on the dollar value of the deal:
the number of television households being served, which for station
groups is capped at 39% of the nation. The cap aims to advance the
notion of competition in the video market. As we look at the market
capitalization of companies providing service in the U.S., it is clear
that even the largest broadcasters have market caps that are
substantially less than their MVPD competitors’.
While market capitalization rarely figures into regulation, it does
have significance in the market, and especially in the delivery of
service. Thus, when the largest MVPD has a market cap that is 50 to 100
times that of a large broadcaster such as Nexstar, it makes the
discussion of competition in video a bit surreal.
In what resembles an Old West standoff, both broadcasters and MVPDs
point to the other as being oversized, and thus wielding too much
influence in contract negotiations. This typically arises during the
renewal of retransmission agreements, where big numbers affect the
bottom line and where walking away—even for a short time—affects lots of
consumers who are unaware of the underlying business maneuvers.
an industry where scale is important to competition, consolidation
should be encouraged by the regulators as advancing the public interest,
not impeding it. If, for example, the national cap on television
broadcast coverage were to expand to 45 or 50 percent of U.S. homes, as
some observers propose, the ensuing consolidation would benefit
consumers via improved service, greater offerings and more diversity of
Nexstar has been on a successful path for the last decade and will no
doubt continue to be steady. If the FCC’s own public-interest guidance
means anything, it should mean that the Nexstar- Media General merger
will be approved without burdensome conditions. It should also keep the
FCC from standing in the way of further broadcast consolidation in
deference to competition and consumer choice.
Adonis Hoffman is CEO of Business in the Public Interest and
Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University. He served as chief of staff
and senior legal advisor to FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn from 2013
to 2015.