Transponder News 03/06/2016
AzerSpace 1, 46.0 ° E
Kahkeshan TV and Osh Pirim appeared on 11057V (Central Asian beam), DVB-S2 /QPSK /MPEG-4 /openly, SR 22710, FEC 5/6.
Mooz Dance has appeared on 11057V (Central Asian beam), DVB-S2 /QPSK /MPEG-2 /openly, SR 22710, FEC 5/6.
The new package with channels A Shopping , Alanya TV and Kanal Z has appeared on 11028H (Central Asian beam), DVB-S2 /8PSK /MPEG-4 /open, SR 7500, FEC 3/4.
Eutelsat 9B, 9.0 ° E
Eurosport 1 , Eurosport 2 and Eurosport Germany from the left 12034V.
Package promo Eutelsat from the left 12149V.
Package promo Eutelsat from the left 12111V.
Kahkeshan TV and Osh Pirim appeared on 11057V (Central Asian beam), DVB-S2 /QPSK /MPEG-4 /openly, SR 22710, FEC 5/6.
Mooz Dance has appeared on 11057V (Central Asian beam), DVB-S2 /QPSK /MPEG-2 /openly, SR 22710, FEC 5/6.
The new package with channels A Shopping , Alanya TV and Kanal Z has appeared on 11028H (Central Asian beam), DVB-S2 /8PSK /MPEG-4 /open, SR 7500, FEC 3/4.
Eutelsat 9B, 9.0 ° E
Eurosport 1 , Eurosport 2 and Eurosport Germany from the left 12034V.
Package promo Eutelsat from the left 12149V.
Package promo Eutelsat from the left 12111V.