Fox Project

Fox Project Status, Updates, and Milestones*

  • Fox-1 project defined – July 2011
  • Concept of Operations (ConOps) – Sept 2011
  • System Requirements Spec (SRS) – Oct 2011
  • Experiment Payload Specification – Nov 2011
  • NASA ELaNa Proposal Submitted – Nov 2011
  • Baseline Project Plan – Jan 2012 – Completed
  • Preliminary Design Review (PDR) – March 2012 – Completed April 24, 25, and 26th.
  • Prototype IHU delivered and successfully initialized – Jan 2013
  • RadFxSat (Fox-1B) accepted into ELaNA program, launch TBD –March 2013
  • Fox-1 IHU demonstrated at Dayton — May 2013
  • Fox-1 Launch Scheduled (ELaNa XII on NROL-55) – November 2014
    (470 km X 780 km @ 64 degrees inclination)
  • Fox-1A IARU Frequency Coordination Received – June 2013
    (Uplink 435.180 MHz FM, Downlink 145.980 MHz FM)
  • Fox-1B/ RadFxSat IARU Frequency Coordination Received – November 2013
    (Uplink 435.160 MHz FM, Downlink 145.960 MHz FM)
  • Battery Control Board Themal-Vacuum Test – January 2014
  • Battery Card Thermal Vacuum Test
     Battery Card Thermal Vacuum Test

  •  NOAA Remote Sensing (Camera) License Received – February 2014
  • Launch Date Slipped to mid-2015 Due to Launch Changes
  • Engineering Unit undergoing tests – June 2014

  • Fox-1 Engineering Unit Test
    Fox-1 Engineering Unit Test
  • Critical Design Review – Completed 19 August 2014
  • Flight Unit build and Test – November 2014
  • November 18 2014 – VT camera experiment scrubbed
  • Day In The Life (DITL) Test – January 16, 2015
  • Vibration and Thermal Bakeout – January 19-23, 2015
  • Completion – January 29, 2015
  • Mission Readiness Review – February 24, 2015
  • Delivery – March 25, 2015
  • Launch – October 8, 2015

  • Fox-1A flight unit photo
    Fox-1A Flight Unit
*Those interested in more details may wish to see the papers in the yearly Proceedings of the AMSAT-NA Space Symposium, available from the AMSAT Store. Some of the relevant presentations by members of the AMSAT Engineering Team may be downloaded here.

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